The Associate of Science in Anthropology is for students interested in completing
a bachelor's degree in Anthropology at Oregon State University. Students interested
in this degree are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Degree Partnership Program, as there may be lower-division courses required by their chosen discipline that
are only offered at OSU.
Anthropology Emphasis, Associate of Science
The Associate of Science in Anthropology is for students interested in completing
a bachelor's degree in Anthropology at Oregon State University. Transferring students
choose from one of four sub-disciplines as they move on to OSU: Physical (Biological),
Archeology, Linguistics, or Cultural Anthropology.
View Anthropology Emphasis Program Map
This is a standard program. Learn more about our
average cost.
Where Science Meets Culture
Humans have been reliant on technology throughout the course of history. Technology
forms the basis of culture: it shapes us, and we shape it. Starting with the fundamental
question "what is technology," anthropologists study the assumptions that surround
our knowledge of technology and culture.
Another pertinent question is whether or not there’s room for human diversity in the
current systems of technology that have come to dominate our lives. How is technology
shaping the human condition and lived experience?
Childbirth provides one of many examples to examine the intersections of technology,
culture, and science. The physiological experience of childbirth may be universal,
but the experience and medical practices surrounding birth vary from culture to culture,
illuminating cross-cultural health beliefs and practices.
For example:
- The Dutch see childbirth as a natural process that often takes place at home with
no pain medication.
- In Mexico, Mayan women labor with their midwife and extended family present, usually
while resting in a hammock. Birth is perceived as incredibly difficult, yet without
fear; it’s a process that transforms a woman into a mother.
- In Sweden, delivery rooms in the hospitals are very quiet, with women deciding whether
to use and administer their own pain medication.
- In the United States, birth is typically a highly medicalized, technological event
where patients are admitted and monitored, and the medical staff administers pain
As we study other cultures, we become better able to see, understand, and reflect
on our own.